2001 Evening all. Now, once upon another time, the polite policeman was the pillar
of any community, of any town. Everyone knew the status of the London copper -
someone to look up to, and someone that the criminals were afraid of. A policeman was your friend in time of need, and he was the authority you could
rely on to keep law and order, keep the peace. That great protector that
served us all. That was how we all understood things to be, and not so very
long ago either.
![]() A british bobby on the beat was all society needed to get on with it's business and not live in fear or distress. You knew that your local constable would have the sense and decerning maturity to fathom the rights and wrongs of daily life, and apply the law forthwith. It felt great to know that everybody was looked after by those boys in blue, and one could be proud of our officers. And if we stayed on the straight and narrow, and be law abiding, we had nothing to fear. Life was a simple case of cops and robbers, and clearly defined boundaries. ![]() Icon of our times, and fictitious face of fair policing, was this Dixon Of Dock Green, a TV character of great integrity. He portrayed the idol of the law enforcer, the gentleman and guide that oozed everything we came to expect from the police. His scripted charms of "Evening all" were not far from the truth. You could trust a London bobby, as he walked his beat and chatted with the locals. You would wave and smile to this honourable chap with the silly looking helmet, knowing you were as safe as houses. ![]() Ok, so where and when did it all go wrong? Where are our wonderful Bobbies On The Beat, the nice and fair policemen? This was the basis of London's safe and stable infrastructure, providing that law and order against the drunks, fraudsters, murderers, and gangsters that might threaten us. I can remember the time when I suffered my first injustice in the hands of the police, who mostly seemed to be just yobs in uniforms. I was so very awakened by the reality of things. No longer was I, or anyone else, a good citizen, but we were fodder, numbers, statistics, and targets. In this day and age, the softer you are, the more likely you are to be trodden on by the long arm of the unlawful. ![]() We the people are at the bottom of the pack. A break down in society starting at the top: Our guardian angels cannot operate as a viable force. But they have their quotas, so what happens? Nothing. Thus, the public are now the soft targets for anyone such as the gangsters who now roam the streets with impunity. Not a pleasant situation for Londoners to be in. ![]() These Beat Bobbies are long gone, there is too much concern with the rights of the criminal Real crime and real criminals dont get as much attention as before, whereas other instances might be over-policed if that situation be found to be a soft target. Meanwhile, louts go unchecked, Yobs are allowed to do exactly what they like. And the innocents? If you need a cop... Be in the wrong place and at the wrong time... Help! Wheres the police! But the beat is bare, The police are in retreat!. And the criminals just laugh at them. ![]() Low and high level crime in London is out of control. Modern day gangsters roam their streets, intimidating, frightening the people. They spend all day bumping into people and looking for trouble. But where are the police? The police wont go there. Instead they are harassing the motorist. Or they are arresting pensioners, or just watching crimes being commited. ![]() We need tough, sensible, and logical police back on the beat. Our bobbies need to be given a free rein from any authority to reinstate law, order, and respect within society. They need to be allowed to do anything to clear the nasties off our streets. I want them to get tough with the lowlife that runs our inner cities. I want them to leave the motorist alone. And mostly, I want police employed because they are big, tough, intelligent, fair, and know the law. Personally, I'm sick to death of what is happening around London and I want it stopped now. Bring back the Bobbies On The Beat!!! |
Charles (of London Town)
The London Destruction Website. |