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Think Tank
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YouTube Channel
Destruction Stories #1
In memory of the Euston Arch.
Beauty destroyed forever.
Insensitive redevelopment has done
more damage than the blitz.
Destruction Stories #2
Horrid happenings in the world of London's buildings and
traditions. Attributes that need our protection.
Some have been saved by the bell.
Destruction Stories #3
Here's a few more tales of travesty.
Just how is it that our leaders allow the death of some
of our most beloved buildings?
Destruction Stories #4
A few further items that need a champion and saviour from those
devils who might wish to cast the first sledgehammer.
- - LONDON - -
London Favourites
Favourite buidings
not under threat.
London Selection
Charles on his
London wanderings.
- - WORLD - -
Great Britain
Charles on his travels.
Great Pyramids
Geometric blocks of stone.
Paris tales.
Mon dieu, said Charles...
North America
Charles eats big apple.