I just cant believe this. For years and years of my life, one of the most
lovely views of London had to be from the Tower Hotel Bar, looking out at the
world famous Tower Bridge. I could sit there and dream under the spell of a
subtle Gin & Tonic. Well, not any more. Imagine my non-delight when recently
I looked out from my comfy hotel seat to see the best view in the cosmos
vandalised by that sick joke of a carbuncle, the new City Hall.
Some larkitect architect is definately having the last laugh at us.
This attempt to recreate the NYC Guggenheim amongst London's heritage is
a shocking failure. This is just another dropping by the architect Lord
Wobblebridge Foster, and this latest Foster's Folly is by far the worstest
wobble he's ever produced.
The interior features could probably hold their own,
but on the outside, its a withered prune, a blot on the fruitscape.
This rediculous building shape does not look too well at all at every angle.
A true creator would have seen this. Most views make it look like a bit of
a cock up, a shabby job, hopefully soon to fall over to make way for something
nice. If this be an exercise in stupidity, then it should be
hidden from view, like somewhere out to sea, not amongst our national
treasures. So there it is. If nothing, it is a constant reminder that we, as Londoners, always end up paying for these things. Thanks to Korruptable Ken, we're now paying more and more extortionately foul Council Tax for all this Mayoral fiasco. It's yet another layer of bureaucracy that we didnt need, with that self-publicity mad Mayor, a crackpot political agenda, and a bunch of hangers-on, all bundled into one multi million pound carbuncle that lays waste to London's most spectacular silhouette. Why couldn't they have converted all of those old warehouses that were once there? Why couldn't they have shunted Red Ken into the now flattened Marsham Street complex? Its a shame we've been hit by another carbuncle instead, and, like all the best carbuncles, they've used my cash to set it up. Hey! Here's the shirt off my back. Charles (of London Town)
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