![]() Hogwash Just to get things into perspective, all I wish to do is to philosophize
upon the facts as I see them.
There are people in power, who, almost unchecked, are ruthlessly destroying
the beautiful buildings and environmental nuances
that make London so lovable and attractive.
A desperate thrust towards higher profits may be involved. Its only human nature.
Its high time we addressed this problem before everything dear to traditional
London is lost forever. One by one our loveable buildings are being wiped out,
with no body or collective ready or able to do anything about it.
DestructionBuilding after building succumbs to the executioners axe, as London is
slowly but surely altered for the worst. Lovable old buildings, some centuries
old, built with loving care and artistic ingenuity, are being wiped out for
both sadistic pleasure, greed, or political mismanagement. In some places, they
will leave the building or facade, whilst mutilating its innerds of original
design, panelling, plasterwork, carpentry and rendering, replacing everything
with a mindless sterile fitting. But its not only the buildings that they want
to dismember, its the traditional and naturally evolved London that they want
to wreck beyond recognition, to be spoilt forever and downgraded into some
ghastly theme park. And all throughout this wastage, Londoners have been
sidelined into impotent observancy as they see their heritage, rights and
livelyhoods watered down and flushed away. They have no control over the major
players in this tyranny. There is no voice to contain the onslaught.
The PlayersThe major players in this game are:
I can only conclude that at this rate, only a few beloved artifacts
will be left after all the other crafted obscurities have been betrayed and levelled.
Gaggles of tourists running the gauntlet from one no-go pedestrianised area
to another. Barren wasteland excepting ministerial cars and sightseeing
tourbuses. London lost forever. A reality scenario.
This site goes some way to highlighting a few disturbing
elements of London's slow destruction. But its up to the people to keep this
matter as a priority. For if we put the saving of beautiful buildings over
greed and trivia, we are surely doing the right thing. Please: Write and
protest! Talk, discuss, observe. Above all, enjoy traditional London whilst it
still stands. Save London from Destruction!
I can only suggest that London's buildings and traditions be salvaged.
Replace all of our lost architecture by exact facsimile, just like they've
done with the Shakespeare Globe Theatre. We could then restructure London
to its pre-developer state. That would be splendid.
Whilst i'm here, might I also venture to suggest a return to
victorian values of courtesy and politeness? I would love to see some of
these modern day sociopaths locked up in the tower, just like the good old
days. Marvellous.
The London Destruction Website. |