Looking up at them, Looking down from them, seeing them from a distance, in
a photograph. Taking tea in the top floor observatory, gazing out to sea, at
Liberty, at the blinding reflections of the water. Or maybe just sitting on the
roof bench just taking in the stillness of it all, forgetting one was a quarter
of a mile high in the sky. The Towers. I miss them so much.
It was and will always be a great work of art, and in its vastness it became so
overwhelming and powerful. The configuration of two similar towers built close
to each other just added to its shock supremacy. And what an image that was.
The Towers always played a part of a reassuring beacon for street navigation,
and when one needed them, they always deserved more than a glance.
No matter where in New York City, the towers were that ever present companion.
Even when approaching Manhattan one felt only finally at home
when faced with the scrapers, and
the skyline master was usually the WTC. Such an exquisite expression and daring
design, it was an astounding genius to
compliment the tip of the island with this double helping of steel structured
suaveness, how did they guess that it would work so superbly? It might have been
a gamble at the time, and even the greatest of architects dont always get it right,
but the designs were approved for the miniature city that would specialise in world trade.
Back in 1966, work began on this monumental monument with the giant excavation
for the foundations. Slowly, the breathtaking buildings rose in tandem to make
their mark on the downtown scene. Opening in 1974, the towers survived early
critics to become that much loved symbol of architectural magnificence.
Ultimately, the World Trade Center's Twin Towers of New York City would be
recognised as the greatest success in world skyscraper concepts.
It was the perfect piece to the puzzle. From the Ferry it looked so right.
And the towers grew on everyone. A wonderful creation, to be loved and enjoyed
by so many. An exciting experience that never faded, never failed. A sight to
bring joy, a feeling of home. At one with the bay and older buildings, envied
by other cities and their less successful schemes. It was the happiest thing
to behold.
Approaching the WTC, closer and closer, and yet even closer, until their true
breadth unfolded, and you realised that this impressive configuation that once beckoned
you from the horizon has become an all encompassing block of metallic lines
and curvations.
Closer, until you're hit by the scale and brilliance of what your eyes are
dealing with, an epic effigy of not one, but two mammoth towers of steel and
glass in powered perspective. Finding yourself in an oasis of business and
commerce and energy unrivaled. The city of World Trade.
Closer and that lovable chicane-track wall design hits you, as the
might of the towers enveloped all, nothing left to do but to stand between
them, look up, and twirl around. Quite a shock for the senses.
The visually most stunning sensation mankind had ever made, and even as you
stood between them, it still seemed unbelievable.
In recovery, one could take
in the delights of the sculptures and designs that shone around the entrance,
maybe sit around the golden globe for a spell, and then, when ready, take those
steps into the stunning twin tiered atrium
and relax in the glittering tranquility of the lobby, a glade of glowing
marble and giant wall tapestries. This began the path to peace. Soon, there you
would be in a ear-wobbling elevator ride to the stratosfear. And moments later,
stare upon the most mind mashing all encompasing largest man man work of art:
Manhattan and its buildings, punctuated by the Empire State. Absolutely
astounding and gorgeous. Unforgettable. A mass of lines, angles, colors,
movement, even sound. Fantastic and awesome, and a contradictory perspective to
the one from the Empire State. But stepping back from the slitted windows was
to be aware of ones environment, that each of the WTC's floors were a whole
acre in size. No trouble taking in the panorama here. Plenty of room for
everyone, and even a few shops up there to break up what could be often a
several hour undertaking.
Sky high restaurants and bars sporting the globes most killer views.
One was secure and happily sheltered there in all
weathers, and it was always a shocker though to survey the minimal sway in high
winds by lining up the horizontals of a window frame with a far off building.
Only a few inches! But better was the ambience from up top, when in good weather
one was allowed to ascend the escalators to the roof. Here, above the 110th
floor, one was 1350ft into the heavens.
This square walkway let
you touch the wonderful moods of that very special place where on some days it
was so weird to find it so blindingly hot and still you could forget where you
were. Finding yourself yards from the other tower's 360 ft TV antennae seperated
from your concourse by a dastardly drop to hell. Head literally in the clouds.
Listening to the groans of the harbour horns. Sitting on those benches in the
ultimate garden of sombre meditation. You could certainly register the curvature
of the earth from that position. Mind blowing in itself.
And it was worth timing your stay to meet the finest of finales,
gazing upon the most fantastic of sunsets against the foreground of Manhatten's metropolis.
Untoppable! Brought a tear to the eye. Made life all worthwhile.
My last visit included two hours sitting there completely taking it all in.
Who needs boring drugs when
experiences like that give the senses such a natural high and expansion. The
towers were a lovable benevolent animal which gave its participants zillions of
hours of enjoyment. They were a great sight to behold and a pleasure to visit.
Structures that should have lasted for generations.
Truly innocent and wonderful creations.
I loved them, and will remember them, always.
Charles (from London Town)

Londoners looked on in dispair and shock.
The London Destruction Website.
I'm a supporter of the Twin Towers II project.
To rebuild the World Trade Center Twin Towers again,
looking exactly as they were before - but even higher.